Submit CHS Success Stories

We want to hear from you. Please complete the form below with CHS success stories.

Some examples:

  • Stories from the point of view of youth
  • Letters from kids (sent to CHS employees, judges, families, etc.)
  • Youth who attained success from adversity
  • Adoption, foster care, shared parenting, reunification, kinship successes
  • Parents who found guidance and support from CHS making a difference
  • Parents who overcame crises with our help
  • Unique situations – number of siblings adopted, number of youth fostered over the years
  • Testimonials from clients, donors, volunteers, community supporters
  • Child-led fundraising or gift-giving efforts
  • “Why I support CHS” donor stories related to their connection to our work
  • Celebrating CHS team members through professional/personal achievements, recognition, awards
  • Situations that demonstrate cross-collaboration among CHS programs/teams

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It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a community to affect lasting change. Invest in the lives of children and make a difference for families everywhere.