SaySo organization supports local youth in substitute care

A nationally recognized organization for youth who have spent time in substitute care is ensuring they have a voice and support system to lead successful lives.

The nonprofit is called SaySo. It stands for Strong Able Youth Speaking Out. There are 29 different chapters in North Carolina, with the state having the second-longest-running programs in the country.

“Having youth at the table and youth advocacy is a new concept within the past few years, so we are kind of the grandfather or the grandmother with youth being at the table sharing their experiences and stories,” explained Carmelita Coleman, SaySo director.

The SaySo family is for anyone ages 14-24 who has been in foster care, group homes, mental health placement, or in the juvenile justice system.


This story originally aired on WXII, and we thank Audrey Biesk for the interview.

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