
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Race: Black or African American
Number of Siblings: 1
Lesean (Age: 11)  

Deshawn and Lesean are 11 years old. They are energetic, outgoing, and helpful twin boys who draw you in with their enduring nature. They enjoy playing outdoors, video games, and going on outings such as the fair and the park. Lesean loves the solar system, Math, and Legos. DeShawn loves dinosaurs and basketball. The way to these boys’ hearts is through their stomachs. The boys are big supporters of each other and give each other hugs.  Although they are best friends, they enjoy their alone time as well.

DeShawn and Lesean are active on their journey towards permanence and look forward to being adopted together. Although they are not living together, they look forward to seeing and talking to each other as much as possible.

Due to their birth history both boys can benefit from a family that is patient and can help them enhance their ability to regulate their emotions and continue to develop social skills.  Both boys love going to school and do their best with strong encouragement to succeed. Lesean and DeShawn are proud of their progress this school year.

Deshawn and Lesean need a family that is patient, shows unconditional love and has the ability to offer gentle reminders to keep them on task.

The boys’ team agrees that they would respond best in a two-parent family with experience. Any family would have to be open to learn about the boys need and be willing to advocate for them in school and the community. The boys do best when the rules are clearly stated, expectations are clear and have visual reminders. They respond well to this structure and are eager to show their ability to follow directions. The boys have a strong moral compass and like to do the right thing.

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